Wanna be fit? Start with 1 push-up.
Wanna write a book? Start with 1 word.
Wanna run a 5K? Start with 1 kilometer.
Wanna start a business? Start with 1 client.
Start small. Learn the thing. Try to do it right. Make mistakes. Build it. Tear it down. And build it again.
Tiny habits, tiny adjustments, tiny investments, and tiny opportunities stack up with time until they transform into this humongous entity you don’t even recognize.
At the start of 2024, I wrote about New Year’s Resolutions and the importance of cultivating tiny habits. As we gear up for 2025, I’m here to tell you that these habits have allowed me to achieve greater things than I imagined.
Let me explain.
For 3 years in Japan, walking was part of my daily routine. I walked everywhere—5, 10, 15, 25, 30, and even over 60 minutes a day. My steps averaged 10,000 - 12,000 on a normal spring Tuesday (winter makes things 13x worse).
My point is that even if I fell off my workout routine, I was still working out. But that’s the thing: it didn’t feel like working out. It was just how I got around.
After moving from the countryside to Osaka, I was worried I wasn’t walking enough. My legs had this crazy existential crisis. Even my phone had a crisis, it loved to tell me I was walking way less than I used to.
When we left Japan, I held on to walking—it felt like preserving a part of my identity. I never wanted to lose that momentum. But the reality is everything is different now. Our situation has changed. Our environment has changed, and walking isn’t always practical anymore.
So I started running again.
That’s when the magic happened.
Out of nowhere, I discovered I could run 5 kilometers in about an hour. No breaks, no struggle whatsoever. Maybe I could even sign up for a 5K marathon and succeed.
All because I walked daily for 3 years without ever feeling like it was a chore.
Time. Consistent, manageable effort. Focusing on long-term results rather than short-term gains. It makes all the difference.
What matters is you start small today.
See, after all my trials and errors in writing, website building, branding, and business this year, the hard work is paying off.
Tiny skills I acquired from trying new things, tiny lessons along the way, tiny setbacks that shaped me, and tiny risks I took to put myself out there—they’ve all come together into something I’m honestly fucking proud of.
One day, I’ll talk about it more.
But for now, do me a favor:
Do one push-up.
Write one word.
Sign your first client.
Run the first kilometer.
And watch how one small step today can compound into the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Stay Soulful,